hemotune commemorates World Sepsis Day 2020

Today, on September 13th, is World Sepsis Day. It is utterly important to raise awareness to this devastating disease. At hemotune, a highly motivated team of researchers, engineers and clinicians works hard on a revolutionary blood purification device – with the vision in mind to put an end to the sepsis crisis and save lives.
Sepsis is an emergency; every year six to nine million people die from this devastating disease. Sepsis is the final common pathway to death from the vast majority of infectious diseases worldwide. Anyone from young to old can be affected. It arises when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues and organs, which results in organ failure and ultimately death.
You find more information about the World Sepsis Day and sepsis on the following websites:
To learn more about how hemotune’s blood purification technology works and how it can contribute to end the sepsis crisis click here.