Wyss Annual Event 2019

In this year's Wyss Annual Event start ups within the Wyss Zurich incubator, old and new, came together to present their work and raise awareness about their technology. The Wyss Zurich is a joint accelerator of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), which was made possible by a generous donation from the Swiss entrepreneur and philanthropist Dr. h.c. mult. Hansjörg Wyss. With the help of the Wyss Zurich and its provision of funding, infrastructure and overall support, research which would have otherwise been confined within university walls were able to be translated to life. The research can develop into viable companies designing products with applications outside the laboratory and perhaps changing the world.
In this celebration of innovation and enterpreneurship, hemotune's CEO Lukas Langenegger took the stage to present the work and progress of hemotune; from its elementary principle through its evolution to a sophisticated system of blood filtration and purification, offering the first therapeutical, non-pharmacological method to stabilize patients with sepsis, a condition that kills millions annually.
We are glad to be part of the Wyss family that promotes scientific innovation and enterpreneurship by providing a platform for scientific breakthroughs to come to life and ultimately transform the world we live in.
For more information please visit: www.wysszurich.uzh.ch